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Five Reasons You Should Fall In Love With Visa Cards | visa cards cut shares of Visa (NYSE:V – Get Rating) from a buy appraisement to a authority appraisement in a analysis abode address appear on Friday.

Prepaid Cards  Visa

Other analysis analysts accept additionally issued analysis letters about the company. Piper Sandler added their ambition amount on Visa from $275.00 to $283.00 in a analysis abode on Friday, January 28th. Barclays decreased their ambition amount on Visa from $265.00 to $260.00 and set an ample appraisement for the aggregation in a analysis abode on Monday, April 4th. Mizuho bargain Visa from a buy appraisement to a aloof appraisement and decreased their ambition amount for the banal from $255.00 to $220.00 in a analysis abode on Friday, January 7th. BNP Paribas bargain Visa from an beat appraisement to a aloof appraisement and set a $210.00 ambition amount for the company. in a analysis abode on Monday, January 10th. Finally, Robert W. Baird decreased their ambition amount on Visa from $305.00 to $290.00 in a analysis abode on Friday, January 28th. Six equities analysis analysts accept rated the banal with a authority appraisement and twenty accept accustomed a buy appraisement to the company. According to MarketBeat, the aggregation has an boilerplate appraisement of Buy and an boilerplate ambition amount of $267.33.

Shares of V banal opened at $214.75 on Friday. The banal has a bazaar assets of $411.08 billion, a PE arrangement of 35.55, a P/E/G arrangement of 1.84 and a beta of 0.92. Visa has a 1-year low of $186.67 and a 1-year aerial of $252.67. The business has a 50-day affective boilerplate of $217.46 and a 200 day affective boilerplate of $216.03. The aggregation has a debt-to-equity arrangement of 0.53, a accepted arrangement of 1.40 and a quick arrangement of 1.40.

The close additionally afresh appear a annual dividend, which was paid on Tuesday, March 1st. Stockholders of almanac on Friday, February 11th were accustomed a $0.375 dividend. The ex-dividend date was Thursday, February 10th. This represents a $1.50 annualized allotment and a allotment crop of 0.70%. Visa’s payout arrangement is 24.83%.

Visa Credit Cards  Visa

In added news, CAO James H. Hoffmeister awash 1,737 shares of Visa banal in a transaction anachronous Tuesday, February 1st. The banal was awash at an boilerplate amount of $231.49, for a absolute amount of $402,098.13. The auction was appear in a acknowledged filing with the SEC, which is accessible through the SEC website. Also, CEO Alfred F. Kelly, Jr. awash 9,000 shares of Visa banal in a transaction anachronous Monday, January 31st. The banal was awash at an boilerplate amount of $224.90, for a absolute amount of $2,024,100.00. The acknowledgment for this auction can be begin here. Assembly awash 49,250 shares of aggregation banal account $10,951,267 over the aftermost 90 days. Aggregation assembly own 0.21% of the company’s stock.

A cardinal of barrier funds and added institutional investors accept afresh adapted their backing of the business. Rempart Asset Management Inc. added its pale in Visa by 2.6% during the aboriginal quarter. Rempart Asset Management Inc. now owns 81,002 shares of the credit-card processor’s banal account $17,964,000 afterwards accepting an added 2,065 shares during the aftermost quarter. Carnegie Capital Asset Management LLC added its pale in Visa by 1.3% during the aboriginal quarter. Carnegie Capital Asset Management LLC now owns 120,594 shares of the credit-card processor’s banal account $26,744,000 afterwards accepting an added 1,538 shares during the aftermost quarter. Salvus Wealth Management LLC added its pale in Visa by 39.1% during the aboriginal quarter. Salvus Wealth Management LLC now owns 2,742 shares of the credit-card processor’s banal account $608,000 afterwards accepting an added 771 shares during the aftermost quarter. Dynamic Advisor Solutions LLC added its pale in Visa by 15.6% during the aboriginal quarter. Dynamic Advisor Solutions LLC now owns 26,513 shares of the credit-card processor’s banal account $5,880,000 afterwards accepting an added 3,587 shares during the aftermost quarter. Finally, Oakworth Capital Inc. added its position in shares of Visa by 16.2% during the aboriginal quarter. Oakworth Capital Inc. now owns 9,814 shares of the credit-card processor’s banal admired at $2,176,000 afterwards affairs an added 1,368 shares during the period. 81.28% of the banal is currently endemic by institutional investors.

Visa Aggregation Profile (Get Rating)

Visa, Inc engages in the accouterment of agenda acquittal services. It additionally facilitates all-around business through the alteration of amount and advice amid all-around arrangement of consumers, merchants, banking institutions, businesses, cardinal partners, and government entities. It offers debit card, acclaim card, prepaid products, bartering acquittal solutions, and all-around automatic teller apparatus (ATM).

Further Reading

Visa Credit Cards - Great Offers and Rewards  Visa

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